One of the key requirements for any company is communication. Utilising the power of our TransMaS system provides you with the automatic ability to communicate any changes to orders and deliveries instantly to your customers with a variety of notifications available, meaning less time updating customers by phone or email and better customer satisfaction. 

Starting from the very beginning of an order, order acceptance (via our customer portal) or order creation emails can be sent directly to your customers. Including information such as accepted delivery dates, products and rates, your customer will never be wondering if you got their order again.

Following order creation, you have the ability to control exactly who receives updates on what, with emails sent on arrival at a collection/delivery point you can then begin notifying your customer that a driver has been on site for a set duration of time. Take the remembering out of your process to inform customers of a delay and allow our Traffic Management System to handle it for you.


The on-site delay notifications are extremely flexible, even allowing you to schedule repeat notifications at an interval of time to your needs. For example, want to notify your customer that a driver has been on site for an hour? No problem! Want to then remind them every 15 minutes that they are still on site? Still not a problem! Set up the system to work for you, not the other way around.

Finally (for the order at least) when an order is delivered you can also notify your customer instantly. But that isn’t where things stop for us, with TransMaS you can then generate electronic Proof of Delivery notes to be sent directly to your customers as a PDF the minute your driver completes his delivery.


But there is more, when a document is uploaded to our Transport Management system, you can configure the system to automatically email this to your customer (or upload to their system if a customer integration is in place). Never have the admin burden of having to locate and resend a POD again, simply upload it to TransMaS and let us store the file for you and automate the sending to your customers at the same time.


All emails can be set up to be sent to multiple email addresses for each step of the way and we allow complete setup however you want the system to operate, you are always in control of what your customer receives.


As well as the notifications listed, you can also notify subcontractors of new work, add them to our customer portal to get reminders, send invoices with PODs automatically and much much more.


Have a notification you would like to send to your customers that you think we have missed. Get in touch with us today to find out if we can add it for you.