Do you use a digital tachograph?

With TDI digital tachograph software you can help make sure that staying compliant doesn’t get in the way of staying productive.

Automate the remote downloads of a driver card and vehicle files via our web based software called disc-check. A digital driver card is issued to an individual driver by a country’s driving authority on application. In the UK this is the DVLA.

Good news – you no longer need to have the vehicle physically present to get the latest tachograph readings.

Speed information is also stored, but only on the tachograph head’s internal memory. You can retrieve the information without disrupting the driver. Helping employers to track a driver’s hours and assign new jobs within safe driving limits.

disc-check can analyse infringements automatically. Digital data is encrypted and cannot be altered or deleted by the driver once stored on the card or in the head.

Information is more defined in digital form and is less likely misinterpreted.

Want to go paperless with our vehicle-check App?
Removing the old fashioned defect book or are after a Transport Management System?

Why not request a demo?