Driver app available with disc-check

Monitor working time and manage infringements on the go

What is the driver app for?

Our disc-check app is available to download on iOS and Android devices, and can be  used by drivers to monitor their driving hours and working time directive whilst on the road. Not only that, but driver’s can also view and acknowledge their infringements all through the app. Which means they can spend less time in the office, and more time out on the road. 

Handy mobile downloaders also enable drivers to download their driver card at any point. Simply connect it to your phone, open the disc-check app and upload your data. Available for both android and iOS devices. 


Manage working time

Our app lets you know when you next need to take a break, and shows your daily and weekly rest times

Upload driver data

Use the app to upload your driver card data, straight into disc-check for instant analysis.

View infringements

Acknowledge current infringements in the app, and view the last 2 months of previous infringements

Available on all smartphones

Our driver app is available on both Android and iOS devices and is free to download with a disc-check subscription.

Download the disc-check driver app today.
Available on iOS and Android.

Get a free disc-check trial today.

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